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NGOs: Fight the Effect of Covid-19

Writer's picture: GGA BloggersGGA Bloggers

Written by: Apara Thapa Bhattarai – Social Activist, Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation, Nepal

In order to face major challenges to fight the effect of COVID 19 in Nepal, the Nation needs to be assisted by development sectors. For this reason, NGOs and INGOs in Nepal needs to unite and get involved in COVID 19 management.

Covid-19 has caused significant interruptions everywhere throughout the world. The ongoing pandemic is now affecting numerous parts of our everyday life and will, without a doubt influence our globalized society. All around, COVID-19 has activated dread, insecurity and vulnerability. We as a whole, as Non-profit need to understand that, now there is a common desire to move quickly in this. COVID-19 has affected our health, our accepted practices and our economies. It is currently very important that we should be working on the whole on shared solutions, at both neighborhood and worldwide level, and figure out how we can improve our reactions to enable our community to remain solid and get through this pandemic, with as insignificant effect as possible.

NGOs and INGOs have been effectively associated with the Nation's development process for quite a while, having their systems up to grassroots, and they have wide scope of ability on health, education, instruction, micro-finance, disaster management and livelihood programs. Any reasonable person would agree that occasionally we are in rivalry with one another - rivalry for a similar program, similar fund, same media coverage e.t.c. We likewise have various programs, various methodology and rules of commitments. But this is the ideal opportunity for us to come together, regardless of our various missions and interests. Presently like never before we need harmony and participation. The pandemic has taught us that we should cooperate to react to the prompt emergency.

We can only imagine how much more could be done if all the Nonprofit sectors come together for this, as ONE. Let us take an example of one community with 1000 people which has been affected by Covid-19. The “Working Together” model could be like this; one organization can assist in terms of health, the other can assist with education, another can come up with income generating program, and one can assist with food relief and so forth. This way, one community will get an assistance of every basic facilities which they require to live happy and healthy. It would be of great value to unite in such a way, and the message that would transmit would be incredibly powerful. It would show the world that we are united in this fight. There is so much we will accomplish if we unite. And it is possible to do so, without losing our main goal, our identity or without hampering our individual mission. Alone we can do so little, together we can do a lot.

Working together to support our community during this difficult time will be a test for many organizations and I strongly believe many organizations will emerge stronger than before as they will learn from each other. Also with this, Organizations can offer different innovative methods to make an impact and create long-lasting social change.

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