Read the full issue at the following link: https://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/the-ambassador We hope you really enjoy this issue of The Ambassador. Each month we will continue bringing inspiring humanitarian stories from across the globe. We are also adding sections such as "Helpful Tips" and this month is centered around "Social Media Strategies." Enjoy more GGAF recipes! A huge thank you to all contributors and also Chrissy Sykes for her very important pages on My Body Is My Body, a free child abuse prevention program. Join our campaigns and stand against child abuse of every form. #Imstandingup Stand with us against Cyberbullying! Our GGAF Learning Institute is going through a major expansion with the addition of more than 1500 courses along with a Learning Management System to give another dynamic way to deliver course material. Thanks to Richard DiPilla for his continued inspiration along with all of our Global Board and Country Chairs. Last but not least, we appreciate all donors and all Global Goodwill Ambassadors. Sincerely, Lisa A. Jones President & COO; Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation Publisher: The Ambassador