Welcome to this month's issue of The Ambassador! Cover Story: Meet the GGAF UK Team
Learn about what each of the UK Ambassadors are doing starting at: https://theambassador.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/theambassadorissue27november2022#page=50
Exciting news! Our first GGAF World Rally will be held on December 3rd, 2022. This will be a LinkedIn Live hosted by Ira Bowman.
We are doing this to bring unity between our GGAFs and for those of you who may want more information. You will hear from our Board of Directors along with Chrissy Sykes sharing information about her amazing child abuse prevention program, My Body is My Body. You will have the opportunity to hear from our Country and Global Leaders and more about our initiatives, The Ambassador, and the GGAF Learning Institute.
The Link will be posted the week of the LinkedIn Live event.
Make sure to join us!
Be sure to check out our two new classes added to our GGAF Learning Institute. More information these about these two classes, along with our other professional development and humanitarian courses is located at: https://courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/
The My Body is My Body Child Abuse Prevention program continues to be spread worldwide reaching more children. You can read more about the impact of the program starting at: https://theambassador.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/theambassadorissue27november2022#page=20 Below is a glimpse of the wonderful work being done to help keep our children safe.
Important article by Chrissy Sykes on "Why we need to break the Taboo about the subject of child abuse."
Read the full article at: https://theambassador.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/theambassadorissue27november2022#page=42
We need your help to print flyers and booklets to leave with the children. Please donate at:
No amount is too small and we truly appreciate your support.
Donations of $50 or more will receive a "Founder's Award" certificate in appreciate of your help.
Read about the work of GGAF's around the world starting at: https://theambassador.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/theambassadorissue27november2022#page=64
Dee Russell-Thomas from the UK, tells us what it's like in "A Day in The Life of a Humanitarian. Be sure to read the full story at: https://theambassador.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/theambassadorissue27november2022#page=72
Mr. Ziaullah Khan and Surrani of Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA) Pakistan shared that Every year Global Climate Change Week (GCCW) is celebrated around the world in the 3rd Week of October. https://theambassador.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/theambassadorissue27november2022#page=66
Beulah World Initiative (BWI) Visits Abule-Ishale with Primary Health Care
Menstruation: A Pride to Girls and Young Women Not a Spell! "No girl must miss school because of Lack of Access to right menstruation, education and Sanitary Pad"
Read the full informative article starting at:
Dr. Adama Kalokoh continues to send materials to Impact Sierra Leone and will be visiting at the end of December.
By: Dr. Arch. FRANCA COLOZZO takes us on a scenic tour of Turkey starting on page:
GGAF USA continues the "12 Months of Kindness" concentrating on food for the homeless and food banks/pantries.
Food insecurity is rising worldwide and we could use your help to get food on the shelves at food banks and shelters so no one has to go to bed hungry at night. Donations of $50 or more will receive a "Founder's Award" certificate in appreciation of your gift. Please send your donation now to help everyone have hope in a better tomorrow. You can donate at: https://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/donate
We would like to thank all of our GGAF and MBIMB Ambassadors for the wonderful humanitarian work they continue to do around the world to help those in need. Thank you to all of our contributors, supports and sponsors.
GGAF and MBIMB are thankful to each of you! Remember to reach out and make someone smile today with your kindness.