Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation presents the 10th issue of our e-magazine, The Ambassador.
Read the full version at https://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/the-ambassador
This month is filled with inspiring humanitarian works from GGA's worldwide.
Make sure to watch the trailer to the documentary film "MyPlanetFirst" on page 7 of the magazine.
My Body Is My Body has a wonderful resource pack available (see page 17 for details).
This pack contains: Family Safety Plan, Children's Workbook, Let's Talk About Child Abuse (community introduction), Tutorials for all six songs, Signs of Abuse, Body Safety Rules, MBIMB Children's Quiz.

Our special section on professional "Authors and Coaches" is located on page 67.
A huge "thank you" to each of these amazing individuals for helping to sponsor our humanitarian initiatives.

Our GGAF Learning Insitute has a new platform (page 61). This month introduces new courses on our learning management system including: Critical Thinking Skills Time Management Business Ethics MBIMB (Course 1) *A special shout-out to Ira Bowman for designing our new Learning Insitute Logo.* We hope you enjoy this issue and remember "Together We Make a Larger Impact." "We Love, We Care, We Share"